How many colleges should you apply to?

As students begin to complete their college applications, the question of how many schools to apply to always comes up. While there is no magical number to guarantee acceptance, several rules of thumb come to mind:

When applying to college, make sure you have visited the school, after all, this is where you will live for the next 4 years. If you really can't make it to the school, make sure you have thoroughly researched the school's web site as well as researched the surrounding area. Ask questions of people that have attended the school. Make contacts and communicate regularly with admissions staff.

Don't apply to a school that you KNOW you won't attend; this is a waste of good time and money. This is not what is meant as a safety school.

A "safety" school is not a guarantee. Instead, a "safety" school is one that you would be happy to attend, although not necessarily your first choice. This is a school that you are above, or at the top end of, the school's mid-range profile.

Research the school to make sure that you fit their profile. While it is OK to have one or two "dream" schools, don't waste too much time where your grades and test scores are WELL below the profile.

The amount of schools you apply to will also be dependent on the amount of time you can devote to the application process, as well as the amount of money you can spend on applications. I tend to recommend to my students that they apply to at least 5-8 schools, with 10 being the maximum. Again, your choice of schools and how well you have researched them in comparison to your profile and achievements will play a major role in how many acceptances you receive.


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