Getting ahead in your college application process: P2

Now that you figured how who you are applying to and when, it's time to start gathering documents. While keeping a list of all your accomplishments is good, it would be best to turn that list into a resume. To begin, make sure you have the following:

  • Complete list of all high school courses taken, in order, from freshman year. Make sure you have the full course name and grade. If your school uses a block schedule and only records one grade for the full credit, that is the only grade you should report.
  • Complete list of any high school course that you took in middle school AND received high school credit for. This grade will NOT be computed in your GPA.
  • Complete list of every college course, be it summer or online, in which you received either a high school or college credit. Again, make sure you have the full name, grade, and type of credit received.

Finally, regarding grades, make sure your list accurately reflects what each transcript reports. You will need an official transcript from each school that awarded you a grade. While it is not necessary to have that documentation while filling out your application, it will be necessary insure that each of those transcripts is sent on time to each college you are applying to. While this is done by the school, it is YOUR responsibility to make that request and insure it is sent in a timely manner.


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